| Health & Safety | Planning & Preparedness | Mitigation | Response |
Recovery |
| From The Archive: September 11, 2001 Recovery |
Victim Benefits & Assistance
State Programs
State of New York Individual and Family Grant Program (800) 462-9029 [TTY (800) 462-7585]
New Jersey Victims and Families Hotline (868) 652-7474 [TTY (609) 943-4111]
Connecticut Assistance (800) 284-3577
Virginia's Terrorism Victims Helpline 866-827-3543
Pennsylvania Victims and Family Assistance (800) 233-2339
California Victim Compensation and Government Claims Board (800) 777-9229 [TTY (800) 735-2929]
Personal Recovery
Terrorism, Trauma, Grief, and Bereavement
For Parents, Teachers, and Child Caregivers
Financial, Occupational, & Business Recovery
Accounting & Finance
Internal Revenue Service & State Taxes
Small Business Administration
Social Security Administration
Job Loss & Unemployment
U.S. Department of Labor Toll-Free Numbers
Job Loss, Layoffs, Business Closures, Unemployment Benefits and Job Training: (877) US-2JOBS
Reemployment Rights for Veterans, National Guard or Reservists: (866) 4-USA-DOL
Loss of Pension and Health Benefits, or Health Care Portability: (866) 4-USA-DOL
Injuries and Fatalities: (866) 999-3322
Pay, Overtime, and Family Medical Leave: (866) 4-US-WAGE
Workplace Safety and Health: (866) 4-USA-DOL
For Other Department of Labor Questions: (866) 4-USA-DOL
TTY number for all Department of Labor Questions: (877) 889-5627
U.S. Department of Labor Programs: assistance with job loss, business closures, pay and leave, workplace injuries, safety and health, pension and health benefits, and reservists' reemployment rights (866) 487-2365 [TTY (877) 889-5627]
Emergency Response to the World Trade Center Disaster from the New York State Department of Labor
Emergency Response to the Pentagon Attack from the Virginia Employment Commission
Disaster Unemployment Assistance for the State of New York from the U.S. Department of Labor
Connecticut Department of Labor
New Jersey Department of Labor
New York Department of Labor
Maryland Department of Labor
Virginia Employment Commission
Dealing with Creditors
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